Monday, January 16, 2006

Why specific dates???

I was in deep sleep when in the middle of the night 2006 popped up to the present and pushed 2005 into the past. Somehow I was tired and slept much early, the night of December 31, 2005. I have not even received phone call - I didn't even hear the ring - from my wife. I wished to be with my wife and daughter that night, or at least hear them over phone - but I simply slept and didn't even dream about them.

I realized late in the evening of Jan 1, 2006 that I have not listed down my new-year resolutions. One of them was time-management. Others include honoring appointments, talking to friends more frequently, wishing them for birthdays etc. I quickly decided to forget that and noted down "new year resolutions" in the "to-do" list for Jan 2. On Jan 1, I didn't want to spend time regretting.. I have this belief that if I regret on the new-year's day, I will be regretting the whole year. On the one hand logic says that this is not true - for example, New Year's day is Jan 1, will the whole year be Jan 1?? On the other, well, belief is belief.. no, belief is sentiment!

As usually, the to-do-list is still in my pocket. New activities are adding to the list, while some on the list are getting 'ticked' after being 'done'!! "New year resolutions" has not been ticked.

The ensuing weekend, in an interview to Times of India, which attracted some strong reaction from Govt of India and Income Tax Dept for other reasons, Amitabh Bachhan told, "If you want to do something, do it. Why have a specific date for it?" about New Year resolutions. Good one from a great one!!

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